Performances 1965-1974

The Bruce Springsteen map of concerts is a project intended to document Bruce’s early career, up to his last performance as an opening act in Central Park on August 3rd, 1974. Information is drawn from Brucebase and our own archival material. The full web app and the associated paper are accessible below:

“My intention is to create a multi-media, publicly accessible online map that incorporates every verified location where Bruce Springsteen and the various iterations of his bands performed with material available from those dates and locations at the Bruce Springsteen Archives & Center for American Music at Monmouth University. I have also provided links to a selection of live performances available on YouTube.”

Created by Luke Shefski for AN/GO 524 50 – Introduction to GIS with Dr. Geoffrey Fouad

Material from Brucebase is used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License